How Should Cenforce 200mg Be Stored?

Cenforce 200mg should be stored properly to maintain its efficacy and safety. Here are guidelines on how to store Cenforce 200mg:

• Room Temperature: Store Cenforce 200mg at room temperature, typically between 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).

Dry Place: Keep the medication in a dry place away from moisture, humidity, and direct sunlight. Moisture can affect the stability and effectiveness of the tablets. 

• Original Packaging: Store Cenforce 200mg in its original packaging or container. This helps protect the tablets from light and moisture.

• Out of Reach of Children: Keep Cenforce 200mg out of the reach of children and pets. The packaging should be child-resistant to prevent accidental ingestion.

• Avoid Extreme Conditions: Avoid storing Cenforce 200mg in extreme temperatures, such as in the bathroom or near the kitchen sink where it can be exposed to moisture and heat.

• Check Expiry Date: Check the expiry date on the packaging and do not use Cenforce 200mg if it has expired. Proper storage helps ensure the medication's safety and effectiveness.


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